Thursday, May 19, 2016

My Postpartum Necessities

Ah, the first few weeks of motherhood. In the moment it seems they'll never end. You're exhausted, overjoyed, and overwhelmed. Just when you think you're a failure and you aren't sure you're going to make it through-- it's over. You magically got the baby to sleep and hey- he nursed with a strong latch. You cooked a meal for the first time in weeks and a load of laundry made it out the washing machine and into the dryer before it smelled like mildew. If you're a mom-to-be or a new mommy smack dab in the middle of this stage, hang in there. You're not alone, sister. Nothing I can do or say can make everything go perfectly smooth through this process, but I do have a few tips on making life a little bit easier.
Here's what I couldn't live without:

Belly Band

In the first few weeks of my c-section recovery, it sort of felt like at any moment all my guts were going to fall out. Gruesome, I know. It took me a week to order a belly band and I'm so glad I did. It helped hold everything in and make breathing, sneezing, and bending much more comfortable. I suspect one of these would feel nice if your birth was vaginal too since pregnancy stretches out our midsections so much. Let's all take a moment and marvel at the fact that they eventually go back to normal (albeit a new normal). Amazing.


This was a game changer for me! I started drinking it the last month of my pregnancy because I was curious and my mama-in-law had an extra box she was sweet enough to give me. I immediately loved the taste and the fact that it kept me full until my next meal. I drank it everyday for awhile, and then signed up for my auto-shipment soon after. I now drink the vegan shakes because of my baby's possible dairy sensitivity. It's an easy and nourishing breakfast I can drink with one hand while breastfeeding. I look forward to it in my mornings like people who drink coffee look forward to that early morning cup.

I have some free sample packets for those of you interested in trying it. Just e-mail me at

Earth Mama Angel Baby Nipple Cream

If you're a mom who chose to breastfeed, you know the nitty gritty of the first couple weeks of nursing. The pain, the blood, the cracks, and the dryness. If you're a mom of a baby who had a tongue tie or other nursing problems (like myself) you know those first couple of weeks can turn into a month or more. This cream helpes ease the soreness and occasionally prevented tears. It also works great with my breast pump.


Okay, I know this really isn't something specific for postpartum issues, but I find it so helpful. I love to read, but honestly don't have the time for it like I used to. The first month of breastfeeding was not only difficult and painful, but I also practically nursed non-stop. I found myself glued to the recliner with my sweet babe glued to me. That's where the audiobooks come in. While my hands were tied with the baby, I could push play and listen to a good book. A funny book. An encouraging book. A parenting book. Now that my little boy has started taking a few naps in the day, I can listen to my audiobooks while  I clean the kitchen, pay bills, or even blog. Mom life is all about multi-tasking.

Himalayan Salt Lamp

I bought one of these for my side of the bed so that I could do nighttime feedings in bed without having a bright light disturb my husband. It works perfectly for that, but it has even more benefits that I didn't expect. First off, I learned that it purifies the air. Who couldn't use a little more pure air? Also, my baby LOVES looking at it. It seems to have a calming effect on him. When he's upset and I've tried everything, I'll run to the bedroom, turn it on, and face him in a direction he can see it.

So there you go. It's not your traditional list, but I'm not your traditional gal. What helped you out postpartum?

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